My #BBCAN7 Cast First Impressions


After checking out the intros and bio videos as well as interviews of the new houseguests…I can honestly say this cast has SO MUCH diversity! They seem like interesting characters. BBCAN7 is shaping up to be a great season because of this cast alone! Big Brother US could never

Here are my first impressions of each houseguest.

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I’m Baaaaaack!

I can’t believe it’s been TWO YEARS since I last posted anything on here. 😱 To be honest, I forgot I even had a blog. 😬🙈 Sorry about that…and no, this will NOT be a fanfic update. And to be honest, I probably won’t finish any of them. If you choose to unfollow my blog because you’re expecting fanfic updates, I’ll understand.

What I am interested in nowadays is Big Brother – both the American and Canadian versions, as well as Celebrity Big Brother. This includes the live feeds. I watch many many many many many hours of live feeds. Did I mention I watch many hours? Most people might find that boring but I’ve been a people watcher since I was a baby – so this is right up my alley.

Most of the time I tweet commentary and updates of what’s happening on the live feeds and interact with other fans of the show, who also watch the live feeds. It’s a lot of fun and I’ve made a lot of online friends. ☺️😊

Anyways…you know how I’ve been saying I’m going to concentrate on other things besides fanfics? Well, since I’m obsessed with BB, I figured…why not blog about it? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Big Brother Canada 7 (BBCAN7) starts on March 6th, so I thought it would be the perfect time to start blogging about it.

In my next post, I’ll blog about my first impressions of the new houseguests. Throughout the season I’ll talk about what’s happening in the house from my own perspective.

Until the next time…

It’s Been Too Long…

Have you ever felt like you’ve been in one of those funks, where even if you DID have things to say, you didn’t feel the urge to write them down – let alone BLOG?

Suffice to say…that’s been what’s been happening to me. 

This is NOT an excuse or anything…but after everything that’s happened in the TB/SVM fandom…I felt DRAINED. I had no desire to write or blog PERIOD. I needed a break from it all. 

Well, now I’m back and maybe, hopefully to stay. I REALLY want to get my desire to blog again back in full force, because I have SO MANY things to say and need to get off my chest, or I’ll explode! 

So, here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to fill you in on what’s been happening in my life, what I’m “into” now, and what adventures and things I’ve been up to in the last couple of years. We’re going to take a short trip through memory lane, as well as I’m going to give you my thoughts on the TV shows I’m watching. 

Sounds like a plan? I hope so! 

I hope you’re still around…and I’m not talking to myself or people will think I look like this; 

Or…maybe you think I look like this anyways? 🤔 I don’t know…but I’ll try my best to blog often and in the only way I know how. 

Until the next time… ✌🏻️