Why The F*&k “Dead” Isn’t Over Yet?

Hello Insiders!

RantWow, it’s been awhile…hope you had a great holiday season! We have a lot of catching up to do, but first thing’s first.

“WHY THE FUCK “DEAD” ISN’T OVER YET?” <–That’s what I want to know!

As I told you in my last post, there’s going to be an Audible book featuring the Sookie Stackhouse series coming out – compiled of various fanfictions, written about various characters in the series, and written by “CH-approved” authors. It will be edited by CH herself, no less. In my post, I’m sure I made clear my feelings and lack of approval of this so-called “book”.

First off…you’re probably wondering what’s set me off now? Well, Mary Janice Davidson (one of those fanfic authors in that book) will be writing about Eric. Of course, I wanted to find out what she wrote about him in her fic. (I don’t care about any of the other characters so we’ll just leave them be.) Anyways, she posted a little excerpt on her blog and it pissed me off all over again!

I’m not alone in how I feel. Many fans on Team Eric feel the same way too. I have a few things to say about it; let the “Dead” stay dead! This series is over and done! Stop trying to squeegee every last drop from this series! Put a fork in it…it’s DONE! (I could go on…but I’m sure you’re smart enough to catch my drift. 😉 )

198z4gqe1v7cvjpgOne of my friends wanted to vent about this and I told her I’ll be venting too – wanna have a two-some? So you’re going to get two rants in this post!

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Deadly Intentions Chapter 23 FINALLY Updated!

Wow, can’t believe I finally found the time to write one of my fics!  😯

For those in the SVM/TB fandom, you will be happy to know I’ve updated my story, Deadly Intentions! Again, I’m terribly sorry it’s been SO LOOOOOOONG since I updated it! 😦 Hope the wait was worth it!

You can read it here: Deadly Intentions Chapter 23

Please don’t be afraid to tell me what you think – by leaving a comment in the section below and/or leaving a comment over at Fanfiction.net, where I’ve also updated this chapter!

Until the next time – (hopefully sooner than the last) – hope you enjoy it!

Where Did The Summer Go?

I was fixing up the look of my blog (once again) and noticed I haven’t posted anything since May! HOLY SHIT! Sorry about that…but I do have a very good reason. Eric & Sookie Lovers had it’s busiest season this summer, due to the fact that True Blood Season 4 was based on Book 4…or was it? (More on that later.) I wrote a blog post for Locate TV.com, and all the other ins and outs of running a fansite that come with it.

Speaking of which…I hope you don’t mind if I post some of my thoughts on Season 4.

Season 4 was supposed to be based on book 4, DTTW of the Sookie Stackhouse novels. I stress, supposed to. It sure as hell wasn’t.

I guess since this is my own personal blog, I can say pretty much anything I want. I don’t have to remain somewhat neutral, like I do at Eric & Sookie Lovers. Not that anyone would get offended, if I did speak my mind…but the spies that work for True Blood might visit that site more than this one. I would much rather have them read the comments by fellow Eric & Sookie lovers, over me.

But before I get started, I wanted to reassure and apologize to everyone for not updating any of my fics. I will…just don’t expect them very often during the summer months, okay? In fact, earlier today, I was working on my Deadly Intentions one!

Speaking of summer…this past July I met one of my betas, who passed through on her way to visit the Rocky Mountains! It was great meeting Northwoman, who betas the Jax & Tara fic, Dirty Little Secret! It was great sharing our thoughts on our favorite fics and our favorite couples – face to face! If you happen to follow either one of us on Twitter, you might have even happened to see the pics from our meet and greet! I’m not going to grace this blog with my ugly mug, so you don’t have to be scared out of your mind! LMAO (I want you to keep coming back, not get scared away!)

Now, on with my review of True Blood Season 4…

The first half of the season, was everything Eric & Sookie Lovers (me included) could ever hope to see happen. Sure, it wasn’t the same as the books exactly…but there were similar type scenes to those in the books, which the bookies (like me) could appreciate. But then…around the time of the shower scene (that wasn’t) onward…things began to get progressively worse.

For starters…how could anybody call that a shower scene to begin with? It came across as more of a V-trip to Narnia (as most fans have called it)! WTF? Sure, it was great seeing Eric & Sookie so happy, together, naked and sharing something…BUT this cheapened and ruined everything for me. I felt like I was on some drug trip too and I got the munchies…for the episode to end.

That’s when I knew…what my gut had been telling me all along…that AB was going to do to me, what Ellen and David (ex-executive producer and ex-head writer of Guiding Light) had done to me years ago…ruin my favorite couple by breaking them up. Sure, I can handle angst…but when it comes to True Blood, don’t you think Eric and Sookie lovers have put up with too much angst already? It’s time for Eric and Sookie to be a couple, just like Bill and Sookie have been for 3 FUCKIN’ SEASONS!

Yep, I hate to tell you, that I told you so…because honestly, I didn’t tell anyone how I felt. But I want to tell you now, I had a funny feeling deep down inside my gut, that it was going to end badly…even when things were going good! You see, I haven’t trusted writers ever since Ellen and David destroyed my Jammy. The way Alan Ball has changed things from the books already…I knew it would be more of the same. COMPLETE BALLSHIT.

This is when it started to go downhill, IMO…

I knew it as soon as Eric attacked Marnie in the graveyard, for no apparent reason and killed a witch. This was the second sign, that I was (unfortunately) going to be proven right. This was completely OOC for the character of Eric, memory loss or no memory loss. Of course 🙄 , Sookie had to get shot. *YAWN* By this time, Eric was now being controlled by Marnie…yep, can you say…plot point? The only reason why, was to somehow get Bill’s blood into Sookie, so she could have that awkward, terrible, unsexy threesome fantasy of hers.

If you follow Eric & Sookie Lovers at all…we posted that the threesome fantasy made TV Guide’s Unsexiest Sex Scenes list! Yep, this is sooooo very true. If anybody thought that scene was half-assed hot…you’re out of your fuckin’ mind! Kudos to Anna for coming up with this idea…it really proves she doesn’t really know her character as well as she thought she did. Or, Alan Ball has changed her character SO much on the show, that she’s nothing like the Sookie in the books. Book Sookie would never ever do anything like that. Sure, she had a brief, minor fantasy about them while they fixed her window…but it was brief and never went this far. Yes, I know that Alan Ball likes to shock people and that was probably another reason why they shot this scene too. Sookie had been gone only a week in her mind and should still be wanting nothing to do with the “abjure one” Bill. Blood in her body or no blood. IT DOESN’T MAKE FUCKING SENSE. If it doesn’t make sense, then it’s bad writing, IMO.

I’m not going to bore you by recapping what happened throughout the rest of the season, because I know that pretty much everyone has seen it by now and has their own judgments and/or thoughts about it.

But I will say this…while many aren’t planning on watching True Blood next season, (I don’t blame you) I will still be watching. I’ll probably be the only one, but hey, at least you know where to go, if you want to know! I’m going to recap it because all the best recappers I know, won’t be doing it next season. I’m not as great as they are, but I do have some experience while watching Guiding Light. Yes, something I’ve neglected to tell you! LOL I used to do it daily!

Again, I don’t blame any of them for stopping. I feel like I’m ‘taking one for the team’ – so to speak.

Anyways, that pretty much sums up where I thought True Blood Season 4 went from being good – to being downright terrible. And people wonder WHY True Blood isn’t nominated for any awards??? It’s because of writing inconsistencies, dropped plots, plot holes and writing characters OOC. Writing, writing, writing. The same could be said about soaps and why their ratings are dropping…

Honestly, if TV channels really wanted people to continue watching and in HBO’s case, subscribing…get fans to have some imput into what happens on the show. Have a fan act either as someone who gives advice or hire a fan to be a writer, who helps them come up with interesting and believable plots!

In the words of Alexander Skarsgard, who plays Eric, this season of True Blood was…

Needless to say, I haven’t forgotten about my fics and I will continue to write them! God knows, at least the great fanfics I read – my fellow fanfic writers know how to write Eric & Sookie properly!

Oops! Did I neglect to inform you, I may have been slightly inebriated while writing this post? But only slightly! Hope you won’t hold it against me!

Until the next time…hopefully sooner than the last!

What do you think of my thoughts on True Blood Season 4? Share yours below!